Structure of the project

The project is structured in consecutive workpackages and evaluations to achieve the general goal of the specific support action, which is to develop strategies, instruments and measures to implement gender budgeting in scientific organisations.

Analysis of the National Framework for women and men in science and evaluation of findings

In this workpackage we analyse the national framework for women and men in science in Austria, Germany and Poland with a special focus on the budgeting of universities and the financing of measures for the advancement of women in science. Further more we examine if and if yes which instruments are already used in budgeting to improve equal opportunities of women and men in science. This allows us a trans-national comparison on the question of existing gender equality and gender budgeting tools and instruments in science.

Analysis of the Actual Situation at the three cooperating universities

For the analysis of the actual situation of women and men at the three universities in Augsburg/Germany, Gdansk/Poland and Vienna/Austria we look at the social situation as well as on laws, treaties and agreements, which regulate budget planning and on the actual financing of the universities. Further more we analyse the management instruments, the instruments for the implementation of equal opportunities for women und men and the quality of data which is collected in respect to its usability for a gender differentiated analysis. The milestone allows us a thorough understanding of the financing structures and the preconditions which are or are not established at the three universities to support gender equality in respect to budgeting.

Analysis of the Budgeting Process at the three cooperating universities

The analysis of the budgeting process at the cooperating universities – Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, University of Augsburg and University of Gdansk – shows us in detail how the process of budget planning and budget controlling works on an official level and which informal (power)relationships are important. Furthermore we can see if gender equality aspects have an influence on the budget planning process. At the same time we can show in as far budget planning has an influence on equal opportunity measures. The analysis also shows who the stakeholders of budgeting are within the three universities and how the cooperation between them and the representative of equal opportunities work. The milestone of the analysis of the budgeting process is to get an insight into the process itself and into the aspects (structural, legal, cultural or personal) that influence the budgeting process, which will serve as basis for the development of process indicators and measures to include gender into the budgeting process.

Evaluation of the analyses of the actual situation of women and men and the budgeting process

With the evaluation of the actual situation and the analysis of the budgeting process at the three universities University of Gdansk in Poland (UG), the University of Augsburg in Germany and the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration in Austria (WU) we continue our comparison of the situation of women and men in scientific organisations and take a closer look at the interdependencies of equal opportunities and budgeting.

Development of Instruments for Gender Budgeting at universities

On the basis of the findings in the analyses of the previous workpackages we now started to develop strategies, instruments and measures for gender budgeting on different levels. We summarised the background for gender budgeting including thoughts about the global competi-tion of universities, reforms in the higher education sector, the introduction of New Public Man-agement and its meaning for equal opportunities. Further more we developed gender sensitive objectives, indicators and strategies, instruments and measures for the implementation of gen-der budgeting in scientific organisations resp. universities. A profound part of the report concen-trates on the discussion of sensitisation, awareness rising and gender competence, equal oppor-tunity instruments, gender impact assessment in regard to budgeting, gender equality instru-ments in the field of budgeting and means of monitoring and gender controlling. Additional we present best practice examples of gender mainstreaming at universities. Finally we develop first propositions for a detailed adaptation of adjusted strategies, instruments and measures for the three cooperating universities.

Adaptation of intruments for gender budgeting for the three universities and support actions

In the second part of this workpackage we go back to our cooperating universities and communicate our findings to the responsible stakeholders for budgeting and the representatives for equal opportunities. The milestone of this work package is a specific support of the universities so that they may include gender budgeting into their organisational set up and their budgeting process to allow a sustainable change towards more gender equality at the universities.

Publication of the results in print and online and Public presentation in Brussels

In August/September 2008 the results of the project is published in an edited version and on the website of Frauenakademie ( and there will be a public presentation of the results in Brussels.

For further information please contact the coordinator:

Frauenakademie München e.V. (FAM)
Baaderstr. 3
80469 München
Tel: ++49 (0) 89-7211881
Fax: ++ 49 (0) 89-7213830

Dr. Andrea Rothe
Tel: ++49 (0) 170 – 89 13 624