“The Women’s Academy considers itself as a “School of Intervention”, aiming at the promotion of women’s studies and the women’s movement’s theory and practice.”
(Initial point of the initiative “Women’s Academy Munich”/ March 08, 1986)

The Women’s Academy Munich
The Women’s Academy Munich reg. assn (FAM Frauenakademie München) is a non-university research institute for women and gender issues, institutionally funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts since 1996. It receives additional funding by the European Union, by federal ministries and the City of Munich.
As an independent, non-profit association, the Frauenakademie München aims to promote equal opportunities for women and men in all fields of society, as well as to support women in taking equal positions in science, economy, politics and the public. Our areas of focus are science and research, political education as well as professional coaching for women.
FAM has four fields of activity which are science and research, (civic) education, professional counselling and networking for women of science and research, practitioners of gender mainstreaming and equal opportunities, as well as for the interested public.
FAM’s focal points are the theoretical and the empirical research as well as the discussion of the social situation of women and men. Here, FAM mainly aims at the revelation of change potentials towards a gender-equal society.
Frauenakademie München
Baaderstraße 3, 80469 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 – 721 18 81
E-Mail: info@frauenakademie.de