Coordinator and partners
For this project the four national research groups cooperated cloesely with three universities.
The German project teams Frauenakademie München e.V. and SIM Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut München cooperated with the University of Augsburg. This university was founded in 1970. It is one of the new, modern universities in Bavaria, and with approximately 15,000 students it is of a manageable size. It offers teaching in the faculties theology, business administration and economics, law, philosophy and social sciences, philology and history, mathematics and natural sciences as well as applied computer sciences. It attracts students from far beyond its immediate catchment area. About 20 % of the German students come from outside Bavaria, and with 14 % its share of foreign students is larger than that at other universities of comparable size.
Our main partners within the university were the vice-president Prof. Dr. Alois Loidl, the women’s representative Prof. Dr. Hildegard Macha, Marion Magg-Schwarzbäcker (Dipl.Soz.) head of the women’s bureau and Dr. Stephanie Handschuh-Heiß, division manager for science and research at the Gender Center Augsburg.
Universität Augsburg
Universitätsstr. 2
D-86159 Augsburg
Phone: ++49 821 598-0
The Polish research partner NEWW-Polska cooperated with the University of Gdansk. This university was founded in 1970, too, by consolidation of two higher schools: the Higher School of Economics in Sopot and the Higher Pedagogical School in Gdansk. With almost 33,000 students in nine faculties and 1,700 academic staff members the University of Gdansk is the largest institute of higher education in the Pomeranian region. It offers teaching in the faculties biology, geography and oceanology, chemistry, economics, philology and history, mathematics with physics and information technologies, social sciences, law and administration, management and there is the intercollegiate faculty of biotechnology. Our main partner within the university was Maciej Debski, M.A.., of the faculty of social sciences.
University of Gdansk
Faculty of Social Sciences
ul. Bielanska 5
PL-80-851 Gdansk
Phone: ++58 301 22 08
The Austrian research team cooperated with the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, or WU) which was founded in 1975. In two steps, one in 1993 and a major one in 2004, the WU gained autonomy from the Austrian ministry of science. With about 20,000 students from Austria and abroad, the Vienna University of Economics and Business is the EU’s largest educational institution for business and economics, business law, and social sciences. Instead of faculties the WU has departments consisting of the departments of marketing, finance and accounting, management, data processing und process management, political economics, business, labour and social law, public law and tax law, social sciences, foreign business communication and statistics and mathematics. Our main partner within the university was Ao. Prof. Dr. Luise Gubitzer.
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Augasse 2-6
A-1090 Vienna
Phone: ++43 1 313 36 0
Frauenakademie München e.V. (FAM)
as co-ordinator and partner of the specific support action
FAM Frauenakademie München e.V.
Baaderstr. 3
80469 München
Tel: ++49 (0) 89-7211881
Fax: ++ 49 (0) 89-7213830
Frauenakademie München e.V. was coordinator as well as partner in this project. Frauenakademie München e.V. (Women’s Academy Munich), founded in 1984, supports women in gaining equal access and opportunities in science, economics, politics and in public life. It is an institution for research, education and consulting. FAM wants to strengthen the individual work and political competence of women and supports the international communication about equal rights and gender equality in order to expand its networks and cooperations.FAM, as a scientific organisation, is actively involved in women and gender studies. As a research institute FAM conducts gender research projects and supports the transfer of research findings into equal opportunity actions. It additionally offers space for discussions about feminist theories and its implementation into organisational gender equality projects. As a network of women who think and act from a feminist point of view it carries on the dialogue between feminist science and experts of other scientific fields.
SIM Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut München
SIM Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut München
SIM Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut München
Landwehrstraße 37
D-80336 München
Tel.: ++49 (0) 89- 725 63 29
Fax: ++49 (0) 89- 55 77 95
SIM Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut München (Institute for Social Sciences Munich), partner in this project, is an independent research institute which does research and consulting in the field of social sciences. SIM cooperates in a network of other research and consulting institutes in order to permit a continuous transfer of knowledge, experience and research findings. The competency fields of SIM are organisational development and human resources, social planning and monitoring, urban and regional development, social research and evaluation as well as Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Budgeting.
SIM started its work and activities related to Gender Budgeting (especially gender sensitive indicators) in connection with the Münchner BürgerInnenbefragung (citizen survey) 2000 and in connection with projects concerning the implementation of New Public Management in Germany and Italy.
Scientists participating in the project:
Johanna Zebisch, Dipl.-Soz./Dipl.-Ing.
Michaela Pichlbauer, Dipl.-Soz.
For parts of the project also Werner Fröhlich, Dipl.-Soz. and Roxana Mircea, Dipl.-Soz.
NEWW-Polska – Network East-West Women
The Network of East West-Women – Polska, (NEWW-Polska)
ul. Miszewskiego 17 p. 100
PL-80-239 Gdansk
Tel. ++48-58-344 97 50
Tel./Fax: ++48-58-344 38 53
NEWW-Polska, as the Polish partner in this project, is an international communication and resource network who supports dialogue, informational exchange, and activism among those concerned with the status of women in Central and Eastern Europe, the Newly Independent States, and the Russian Federation. NEWW coordinates research and advocates women’s equality and full participation in all aspects of public and private life. NEWW is an NGO in Specific Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. With members in more than 30 countries NEWW is among the largest and most respected networks in CEE/NIS („Central and Eastern European countries“ and „Newly Independent States“).
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration – Department of Economics / Institute for Institutional and Heterodox Economics
Augasse 2-6
A-1090 Vienna
Phone: ++43 1 31336 4515
The Institute for Institutional and Heterodox Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration was the Austrian partner in this project.
The research focus of the Institute for Institutional and Heterodox Economics at the Department of Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, is among others on institutional and evolutionary economics, alternative political economics as well as feminist economics and gender aspects of political economics. Dr. Luise Gubitzer, Professor at the institute, is one of the leading researchers on Gender Budgeting in Austria
Scientists participating in the project:
• Dr. Elisabeth Klatzer
• MMag. Michaela Neumayr
• Mag. Monika Mayrhofer